How-To Be the Strongest You, in a Relationship
Sale Price: $2.50 Original Price: $5.00

A portion of every purchase goes to fund our VF Diamond content. Thank you for helping to model the way for at risk young ladies.

This 12 page how-to guide provides you with a roadmap of how to be the strongest you, in a relationship.  

I love self-awareness and this how-to is just that. It is filled with pearls of wisdom & charts to complete. This is an excellent way to identify what values are important to you and how to be the best you in relationships or just a great self-awareness tool of what values you hold dear and who you are, as an individual. 

Specifically designed for young ladies & the single Mom (or Dad).  Parents, this is a great tool for any emerging teen. Enjoy! 


We're passionate about lifting young girls up. You're not defined by the amount of skin you're told to show off. Be a diamond. You're worth so much more than the fashion world tells you that you are. Classy can still be attractive and that doesn't equal turtle necks...

I'm very proud to publish this video. Learn what we're all about and why we do, what we do. Special thanks to: Video: Cody Johnston MUA: Kendra Adams Sponsor: 28 Springs Models: Kendra Adams, Letty F., Lizeth Fuentes, Sam C., David M., & Evie T.

Values First Mission

"Empowering young ladies to be the best versions of themselves.

Helping to mold their self-worth & self-respect to an unbreakable level."


Photo credit: Jonah Gilmore-Studio Rocket Science-Dallas, TX

Are you a young lady that wants more confidence, beauty tips, & free self-development tools? 


Connect with me on my social media links below and in the About section. Join the Values First Diamonds & be a stronger you. Take a look around, there is a ton of information here, please feel free to browse the site. Let me know if you have any questions as well! See you soon!




Find out about My Story, the Faith Like Daniel give back program, the Mission & Vision, and Contacting me. 

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Values first


Making a difference in young ladies self-worth & self-respect and having a positive impact on the fashion industry- one speaking event, t-shirt at a time, & self- development VF Diamond video at a time... →